PAD Workflow Tasks 1.2.6 - YF 6.3.x


PAD Workflow Tasks is a plugins bundle, for YetiForce CRM. It adds some new workflow tasks. Allows various forms of creating entity or lineitem field values from entity or lineitem values.

Workflowtaskslineitementitytolineitem - Copies a field from the lineitem entity (e.g. Products and Services) and assigns it to a lineitem field (e.g. in Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices).

Workflowtasksprofitmarginmarkup: calculates profit, margin and markup as a percentage, or ratio, for each lineitem.

Workflowtaskslineitemstoentity: applies a function to a lineitems field and then assigns the result to an entity field.

Workflowtaskslineitemtolineitem: this workflow task allows you to define an expression with functions and lineitem fields and assign the result to a lineitem field.

Workflowtasksentitytoentity: this workflow task allows you to define an expression with functions and entity fields and assign the result to a entity field.

This version doesn't contain Notify Mention plugin


Compatibility: YetiForce 6.3.x

Requirements: YetiForce, PAD Extensions Manager

Language: English, Italian, Russian

License: GNU General Public License (GPLv3)


PAD Workflow Tasks User Guide


  • Model:padwft63x-010206

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